



The IndustraCorp are the backbone of the physical world, their influence foundational to the very structure of society. Emerging from the remnants of industrial giants, they have carved out a dominion where efficiency, pragmatism, and endurance are not just valued but matter above all else. They excel in Biofusion crystal mining, providing enormous amounts of raw materials for the ever demanding populations.

At the heart of IndustraCorp's ethos lies a deep connection with the Earth. Their cities are bastions of functionality and durability. Towering structures of steel and concrete rise from the ground, designed for longevity and utility. Deep below the sound of machinery and the rhythmic hammering of mines echo the relentless work ethic that drives this faction.

The attire of the IndustraCorp is practical. Donning robust materials and protective gear, their clothing supplements their hands-on approach to life and work. Green earthy tones dominate their palette, further symbolizing their affinity with the ground beneath their feet.

Despite their focus on the tangible and the practical, the IndustraCorp are not always the most empathetic. Their drive for efficiency can sometimes border on ruthlessness, and their unwavering focus on productivity often comes at the cost of other societal values. Yet, it is this very steadfastness that has cemented their role as an indispensable part of the elemental hierarchy.

IndustraCorp members are adept at manipulating earth and stone. They boast a robust build, using materials like reinforced tungsten and industrial-grade carbon fiber for maximal strength and endurance. Their exteriors are designed to resist abrasion and environmental hazards like dust and chemicals. They can cause minor tremors and manipulate soil for construction or defensive purposes. Their heightened sense of touch allows them to detect subterranean movements and changes.

Built-in excavation tools such as drills or pneumatic hammers are common, with heavy-duty protective plating on limbs for demanding tasks. Their hands and feet are designed for superior traction on uneven terrain, and some models include seismic sensors for detecting ground vibrations and potential resource deposits.

As miners, builders, and engineers, the IndustraCorp use their earthly expertise to transform their once crumbling world into strong communities meant to withstand centuries of hardships and weathering. Of all the elements, the IndustraCorp leaves little room for interpretation, boldly following the core values of their mission.